Class Ln

  extended by roboguice.util.temp.Ln

public final class Ln
extends Object

A more natural android logging facility. WARNING: CHECK OUT COMMON PITFALLS BELOW Unlike Log, Log provides sensible defaults. Debug and Verbose logging is enabled for applications that have "android:debuggable=true" in their AndroidManifest.xml. For apps built using SDK Tools r8 or later, this means any debug build. Release builds built with r8 or later will have verbose and debug log messages turned off. The default tag is automatically set to your app's packagename, and the current context (eg. activity, service, application, etc) is appended as well. You can add an additional parameter to the tag using #Log(String). Log-levels can be programatically overridden for specific instances using #Log(String, boolean, boolean). Log messages may optionally use String.format(String, Object...) formatting, which will not be evaluated unless the log statement is output. Additional parameters to the logging statement are treated as varrgs parameters to String.format(String, Object...) Also, the current file and line is automatically appended to the tag (this is only done if debug is enabled for performance reasons). COMMON PITFALLS: * Make sure you put the exception FIRST in the call. A common mistake is to place it last as is the android.util.Log convention, but then it will get treated as varargs parameter. * vararg parameters are not appended to the log message! You must insert them into the log message using %s or another similar format parameter Usage Examples: Ln.v("hello there"); Ln.d("%s %s", "hello", "there"); Ln.e( exception, "Error during some operation"); Ln.w( exception, "Error during %s operation", "some other");

Nested Class Summary
static class Ln.BaseConfig
static interface Ln.Config
static class Ln.Print
          Default implementation logs to android.util.Log
Method Summary
static int d(Object s1, Object... args)
static int d(Throwable t)
static int d(Throwable throwable, Object s1, Object... args)
static int e(Object s1, Object... args)
static int e(Throwable t)
static int e(Throwable throwable, Object s1, Object... args)
static Ln.Config getConfig()
static int i(Object s1, Object... args)
static int i(Throwable t)
static int i(Throwable throwable, Object s1, Object... args)
static boolean isDebugEnabled()
static boolean isVerboseEnabled()
static String logLevelToString(int loglevel)
static void setPrint(Ln.Print print)
static int v(Object s1, Object... args)
static int v(Throwable t)
static int v(Throwable throwable, Object s1, Object... args)
static int w(Object s1, Object... args)
static int w(Throwable t)
static int w(Throwable throwable, Object s1, Object... args)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static int v(Throwable t)


public static int v(Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int v(Throwable throwable,
                    Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int d(Throwable t)


public static int d(Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int d(Throwable throwable,
                    Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int i(Throwable t)


public static int i(Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int i(Throwable throwable,
                    Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int w(Throwable t)


public static int w(Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int w(Throwable throwable,
                    Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int e(Throwable t)


public static int e(Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static int e(Throwable throwable,
                    Object s1,
                    Object... args)


public static boolean isDebugEnabled()


public static boolean isVerboseEnabled()


public static Ln.Config getConfig()


public static String logLevelToString(int loglevel)


public static void setPrint(Ln.Print print)

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